Welcome to No-Code LangChain SaaS Course, the course that will transform your app-building journey and give you step-by-step training to make you an AI app wizard. With LangChain as your secret weapon, you can create AI-powered consumer apps in a flash. With this course, all the coding complexities can become a thing of the past.

Why choose this course? Check out these highlights:

πŸš€ Unleash your creativity: No coding experience? No AI knowledge? No problem! this course empowers you to bring your app ideas to life, even if you're a complete beginner in both. We'll use no-code tools to build complete AI SaaS apps.

🎨 Bubble magic: From a blank canvas to a stunning, fully functional app, Bubble's no-code tools will make app development a breeze.
⚑️ The power of LangChain: Discover the incredible framework that revolutionizes AI app development, enabling you to build apps in record time.
🀝 Seamless integration: Learn how to effortlessly connect Bubble with no-code LangChain tools like Flowise and Langflow, enhancing your app-building capabilities.
πŸ’¬ Chat-with-PDF app: Build an engaging app where users can chat with any PDF, leaving your users impressed. You will learn how to upload PDFs, filter them, pass chat history, delete them, and much more.
πŸ€– Autonomous agent app: Dive into the world of AI agents and create an app that interacts intelligently with users, all seamlessly connected with Bubble.
🌟 Demo AI app: Showcase the true potential of LangChain with a jaw-dropping demo app that will amaze and inspire.
πŸ’° Monetization made easy: Integrate payments into your app and transform it into a fully deployable SaaS solution, ready for the market.

The clock is ticking, and the AI app revolution is in full swing. Now is your chance to join the ranks of innovators and launch not just one, but multiple AI-powered apps using LangChain. Don't let this opportunity pass you by!

Enroll in this course today and start an exciting journey where your ideas become a reality. With the power of LangChain and our step-by-step guidance, you'll be creating remarkable AI apps that will captivate users and set you apart from the crowd. Don't miss out – the time to act is now!

Limited time offer: Enroll now with the discounted pricing and seize the opportunity to build AI apps like ChatGPT in record time!

It's an honor to work together with Rodrigo and Gabriel, co-founders of Logspace, and LangFlow, on multiple topics. Great to have their backing.

It's also been great working together with the Flowise team from its inception. Great to have their backing as well.

And of course an honor to be working with Harrison Chase, founder of LangChain, and getting his recognition.

Products We'll Build Together In This Course

Build AI apps for yourself, your employer, or start your own AI startup. There is no better time than now!

Chat with Documents

Create an impressive Chat-with-PDF app that allows users to interact with any PDF, while providing a seamless multilingual experience with over 100+ languages. Learn to upload, filter, pass chat history, delete PDFs, and enable powerful search capabilities, making your app truly versatile and user-friendly.

Autonomous Agents

Build LangChain-powered agent apps that autonomously handle tasks, connect multiple data sources, and take actions. Harness the power of agents to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and unlock new possibilities in app development.

AI Apps

You will build your own AI app to bring your app idea to life. Hundreds of apps could be built using a combination of document loaders, chains, agents, tools and vector stores. This will unleash your true potential. Build unique apps and showcase with the LangChain community.

Overview of the Course Content

Learn why LangChain is awesome!

- Gain an introduction to the current AI ecosystem and understand the basics of LangChain, a powerful framework for AI app development.

- Explore the benefits of LangChain-based frameworks, such as Flowise and LangFlow, and discover how they can enhance your app-building experience.

- Dive into building a simple LangChain app, getting hands-on experience and understanding its core functionality.

- Learn to handle various document formats, including PDFs, DOC, TXTs, Notion, GitHub, CSV, and JSON, within your LangChain app.

- Discover AI models and learn how to effectively chat with them using popular platforms like OpenAI, Cohere, and HuggingFace.

- Understand the concept of embeddings and explore storage solutions like Pinecone, ChromaDM, and Weaviate for efficient data management.

- Delve into the essential elements of LangChain, including chains, agents, tools, and memory, to create advanced and intelligent applications.

Learning the Basics of Bubble for LangChain:

- Get introduced to Bubble, a user-friendly platform, and learn how to quickly build a functioning web app.

- Explore the inner workings of Bubble, understanding its features and capabilities.

- Master data storage, workflow creation, and the integration of external APIs within your Bubble app.

- Build a basic app in Bubble, putting your newfound knowledge into practice.

Let's Build Together! - A complete Chat-with-Docs app:

- Create an AI-powered Chatbot-PDF app using Flowise, integrating it seamlessly with Bubble.

- Set up API calls and establish connections between your app and external services.

- Design a robust system architecture that allows file upload, filtering, deletion, and updates.

- Implement memory functionality, enabling your AI to remember chat history and user details.

The Gems of LangChain - Autonomous Agents:

- Develop an Autonomous Agent app, leveraging the power of LangChain.

- Connect your Autonomous Agent app with Bubble for seamless interaction.

- Empower your agent with tools, chains, and memory capabilities to enhance its functionality.

Integrating Payments and Deploying for Customers:

- Understand payment integration and learn how to incorporate it into your Bubble app.

- Set up pricing, user accounts, and deploy your app for customer use.

- Experience the thrill of launching your app to the world, and reaching your target audience.

Hello, aspiring AI app builders!

My name is Misbah Syed and I'm thrilled to be your guide on this incredible learning journey. Let me share a bit about my background and how I can help train you through this course.

Firstly, I consider myself fortunate to have been part of some nice achievements in the AI community. I had the honor of winning the Semantic Search Global AI Hackathon, organized by Cohere and Lablab, where my innovative approach secured the first prize. I was also fortunate to win the Multilingual Semantic Search Global AI hackathon organized by Qdrant, Cohere, and Lablab. These experiences have deepened my understanding of LangChain-based AI techniques and their real-world applications.

I also had the privilege of winning the Chat Your Data Challenge organized by Harrison Chase, CEO of LangChain. This challenge allowed me to better understand LangChain-based techniques involved in creating intelligent conversational experiences within apps.Β 

Beyond competitions, I bring 6 years of industry experience as a Data Scientist and ML Engineer, working on projects spanning various domains including R&D, Manufacturing, Finance, and Healthcare. These hands-on experiences have honed my abilities in delivering practical and impactful AI solutions.

I have also collaborated on research projects with the renowned MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. This association increased my knowledge and provided insights into cutting-edge AI advancements.

I'm excited to share my knowledge, guide you and help you unlock your potential. Together, let's get on this learning journey and build remarkable AI-powered apps that will make a positive impact.

Let's Build Together!

I'm really passionate about simplifying the learning experience because I truly believe that anyone, with the right resources, can build AI apps. My goal is to make AI knowledge easily understandable for everyone, breaking it down into bite-sized pieces. I put in many hours of work before creating each video, making sure it's easy to follow. You can check out some of my YouTube videos below.

There's so much potential in AI, and together, we can all benefit from this new AI economy. Let's dive in and explore the exciting world of AI app development!

Youtube Link

Build a No-Code Chat-with-PDF LangChain app using Flowise and Bubble

Youtube Link

Building a LangChain Agent (code-free!) Using Bubble and Flowise

Youtube Link

Build a LangChain-based Semantic PDF Search App with No-Code Tools Bubble and Flowise


Q. How is this course different than the youtube videos?

A. Youtube videos only scratch the surface, this course takes you from no knowledge of LangChain and Bubble to where you can build AI apps in a week. Each tool used will be explained with practical examples and details.

Q. Are there prerequisites or language requirements?

A. The good thing about this course is that it is uses all no-code tools so you don't need to have any prior knowledge of coding!

Q. I am a high school student, can I join?

A. Yes, there is no age specific requirement to enrol in this course. You can even get a student discount by emailing [email protected] to help with finances after showing proof of student ID.

Q. Do I need specific equipment to take Online Courses?

A. You would need a computer or access to one to complete this course.

Q. How do I access my course?

A. You can access the course by going to the link provided in the email that was sent to you from Teachable when you first subscribe.

Q. How long is my course?

A. This course should take 4-6 weeks to complete, depending on your pace.

Q. Is there a way to keep in touch with other students?

A. Join our discord channel and network with other students who are aiming to become LangChain experts!

Q. What happens if I am away for a few days?

A. No issues if you are going to go on a break once the course starts. You can pick back up from where you left once you are back.